Thank you for registering for this year's Youth Rally. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Hey, Who doesn't like PIZZA!
Battle Ball, Challenges, Team vs. Team
Make sure to let us know how many you are bringing so there's enough fun to go around.
Wednesday night:
Our service begins with a game followed by singing, prayer, and our focus, the preaching of the Word of God. On Wednesday nights the preaching is practical, directed to teens lives and needs. During Troy Baptist Church's rich heritage, the acronym S.A.L.T. has been given to our Wednesday night teen service. It stands for Serving, Acting, Learning and Teaching. The service begins at 7:00 pm.
Sunday School:
We call this class "Teens4Truth" because it is a time where we ground ourselves in the truths of the Bible. Bible teaching has a higher goal than the delivery of information. That goal is a life-change. Our teens desire to know what they are to do with what they are given from God’s Word. Our current study is on “Victory over Fear.” Fear is one of the greatest barriers to living a victorious Christian life. When we understand and apply the promise of the empty tomb, we experience God’s pathway to victory over our fears. We are, as a group, desiring to experience the power of Christ in our daily life. We would love for you to join us at 9:30 am every Sunday morning. – See you there!
Youth Activities:
Our activities include a combination of service and fun. We enjoy fellowship with each other and service to our church and community through…
college trips, volunteer work for our Senior Saints, Christmas party, New Year’s celebration, Senior banquet, food collection for needy families, summer teen camp, flag football games, Frisbee golf, and more.
It would be a pleasure to serve your family and teen. Please contact us with how we can help by calling (937) 339-3207.
Derrick Rash, Youth Pastor