David R. Thomasson is the pastor of Troy Baptist Church in Troy, Ohio. He was born and raised in Durham, North Carolina. At the age of ten, he was saved during a Vacation Bible School. During the summer of 1991, he surrendered to God’s call to full-time ministry. In the fall of 1991, he enrolled at The Crown College of the Bible and graduated with a Bachelor of Biblical Studies in Church Ministries in 1996.
After graduation, Pastor Thomasson served in different ministries as a staff member, Christian school teacher, and assistant pastor.
In September of 2005, the Lord called Pastor Thomasson to East Side Baptist Church in Greenwood, South Carolina to be the senior pastor. Over the next ten years, the church grew and saw many saved, baptized, and discipled. Throughout 2014, the Lord worked in Pastor Thomasson’s heart, showing him that He had something else for him to do.
In February of 2015, the Lord called Pastor Thomasson, his wife Elisabeth and their children, Anna and Aaron, to Troy Baptist Church, in Troy, Ohio.
Derrick Rash grew up in Greenwood, SC where he trusted Christ as his Savior in the sixth grade. Excluding two years, Derrick received his childhood and high school education at East Side Christian School before graduating. Following the Lord’s leading, Derrick pursued a career in law enforcement after graduating high school. All the while, unbeknownst to Derrick, the Lord was preparing him for a special purpose.
Derrick was reared in a godly environment. Attending a Christian school, a member of a godly home, and being reared in a God-fearing church were all part of God’s perfect will. Over the years Derrick labored for the Lord and was used in many facets of the ministry from usher, deacon, Sunday school, teacher, youth director, Bible Institute instructor, and assistant pastor.
2004 Derrick surrendered to the Lord to enter the ministry. Derrick earned his Bachelor of Theology at Tabernacle Baptist College (Greenville, SC) and a Master of Biblical Studies at The Crown College, Powell TN, all while continuing his law enforcement career.
In 2014 God called Derrick to be the Pastor of Victory Baptist Church of Greenwood, SC where the Lord blessed and grew the church. In 2020 the Lord began to move and opened another door for Derrick and his family to serve. In 2021, Derrick and his family moved from South Carolina to Troy Ohio where he serves as the Assistant Pastor, primarily working as the Youth Pastor of Troy Baptist Church.
Derrick married his childhood sweetheart Allison in August 1998 and they have been blessed with two children Katelynn and Cameron.